Albion Data - A tool to find the best trade route

# Icon Name Quality Profit From To Desc Profit With Order From To Desc
526 罕见钛钢条 罕见钛钢条 Masterpiece $140 Thetford Caerleon Buy directly at $1,364,Sell directly at $1,504. $528 Thetford Bridgewatch Buy directly at $1,364,List sell order at $1,892.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
527 山羊 山羊 Masterpiece $129 Martlock Bridgewatch Buy directly at $3,900,Sell directly at $4,029. $6,050 Martlock Bridgewatch Buy directly at $3,900,List sell order at $9,950.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
528 罕见血橡木 罕见血橡木 Masterpiece $129 Caerleon Thetford Buy directly at $792,Sell directly at $921. $150 Caerleon Lymhurst Buy directly at $792,List sell order at $942.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
529 初级抗性药水 初级抗性药水 Masterpiece $128 Caerleon Martlock Buy directly at $204,Sell directly at $332. $1,796 Caerleon Fort Sterling Buy directly at $204,List sell order at $2,000.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
530 新手级猎场看守日志(空白) 新手级猎场看守日志(空白) Masterpiece $128 Caerleon Bridgewatch Buy directly at $272,Sell directly at $400. $4,788 Caerleon Bridgewatch Buy directly at $272,List sell order at $5,060.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
531 稀有松木板条 稀有松木板条 Masterpiece $127 Fort Sterling Bridgewatch Buy directly at $476,Sell directly at $603. $1,610 Fort Sterling Bridgewatch Buy directly at $476,List sell order at $2,086.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
532 亚德曼矿石 亚德曼矿石 Masterpiece $125 Lymhurst Thetford Buy directly at $5,899,Sell directly at $6,024. $899 Lymhurst Thetford Buy directly at $5,899,List sell order at $6,798.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
533 罕见鞣制皮革 罕见鞣制皮革 Masterpiece $124 Lymhurst Caerleon Buy directly at $1,483,Sell directly at $1,607. $4,717 Lymhurst Brecilien Buy directly at $1,483,List sell order at $6,200.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
534 稀有鞣制皮革 稀有鞣制皮革 Masterpiece $120 Martlock Lymhurst Buy directly at $5,760,Sell directly at $5,880. $6,240 Martlock Brecilien Buy directly at $5,760,List sell order at $12,000.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
535 专家级猎人外套 专家级猎人外套 Masterpiece $0 $7,805 Bridgewatch Black Market Buy directly at $4,395,List sell order at $12,200.
Excellent $114 Bridgewatch Fort Sterling Buy directly at $4,299,Sell directly at $4,413. $7,918 Bridgewatch Black Market Buy directly at $4,299,List sell order at $12,217.
Outstanding $0 $7,318 Bridgewatch Black Market Buy directly at $4,900,List sell order at $12,218.
Good $0 $9,245 Bridgewatch Caerleon Buy directly at $6,497,List sell order at $15,742.
Normal $0 $0
536 罕见鬼麻 罕见鬼麻 Masterpiece $112 Caerleon Martlock Buy directly at $12,696,Sell directly at $12,808. $0
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
537 基础鱼酱 基础鱼酱 Masterpiece $110 Lymhurst Martlock Buy directly at $2,890,Sell directly at $3,000. $610 Lymhurst Bridgewatch Buy directly at $2,890,List sell order at $3,500.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
538 大师级精炼之魂 大师级精炼之魂 Masterpiece $109 Fort Sterling Caerleon Buy directly at $616,Sell directly at $725. $169,384 Fort Sterling Caerleon Buy directly at $616,List sell order at $170,000.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
539 鞣制皮革 鞣制皮革 Masterpiece $106 Bridgewatch Caerleon Buy directly at $754,Sell directly at $860. $746 Bridgewatch Brecilien Buy directly at $754,List sell order at $1,500.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
540 重型兽皮 重型兽皮 Masterpiece $90 Caerleon Martlock Buy directly at $212,Sell directly at $302. $116 Caerleon Bridgewatch Buy directly at $212,List sell order at $328.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
541 符钢条 符钢条 Masterpiece $90 Thetford Caerleon Buy directly at $2,013,Sell directly at $2,103. $190 Thetford Bridgewatch Buy directly at $2,013,List sell order at $2,203.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
542 罕见花岗岩 罕见花岗岩 Masterpiece $89 Caerleon Bridgewatch Buy directly at $26,Sell directly at $115. $224 Caerleon Bridgewatch Buy directly at $26,List sell order at $250.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
543 松木板条 松木板条 Masterpiece $87 Fort Sterling Caerleon Buy directly at $135,Sell directly at $222. $134 Fort Sterling Caerleon Buy directly at $135,List sell order at $269.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
544 胡萝卜汤 胡萝卜汤 Masterpiece $86 Brecilien Fort Sterling Buy directly at $188,Sell directly at $274. $712 Brecilien Martlock Buy directly at $188,List sell order at $900.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
545 斑点鳟鱼 斑点鳟鱼 Masterpiece $85 Caerleon Lymhurst Buy directly at $1,048,Sell directly at $1,133. $128 Caerleon Lymhurst Buy directly at $1,048,List sell order at $1,176.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
546 罕见陨矿 罕见陨矿 Masterpiece $84 Thetford Fort Sterling Buy directly at $3,998,Sell directly at $4,082. $6,492 Thetford Caerleon Buy directly at $3,998,List sell order at $10,490.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
547 钢条 钢条 Masterpiece $84 Thetford Caerleon Buy directly at $116,Sell directly at $200. $127 Thetford Caerleon Buy directly at $116,List sell order at $243.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
548 牛肉三明治 牛肉三明治 Masterpiece $82 Caerleon Lymhurst Buy directly at $2,478,Sell directly at $2,560. $1,480 Caerleon Brecilien Buy directly at $2,478,List sell order at $3,958.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
549 老手级附魔匠日志(满) 老手级附魔匠日志(满) Masterpiece $79 Bridgewatch Caerleon Buy directly at $1,921,Sell directly at $2,000. $0
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0
550 专家级斧头 专家级斧头 Masterpiece $78 Bridgewatch Martlock Buy directly at $3,996,Sell directly at $4,074. $1,956 Bridgewatch Lymhurst Buy directly at $3,996,List sell order at $5,952.
Excellent $0 $0
Outstanding $0 $0
Good $0 $0
Normal $0 $0